The Next Steps Liaison Project is dedicated to helping detained and court-involved youth get on a positive life path in a two-step approach: by first providing social and emotional skills while inside Juvenile Hall, and subsequently providing dedicated re-entry support upon release. Our goal is to reduce the endless cycle of recidivism in which too many vulnerable youth have become trapped.
In contrast:
California court schools have the highest dropout rate of all schools in the state (41% in 2022, vs <10% statewide)
Studies have shown that California juvenile recidivism rates may be as high as 74%.
Next Steps provides the support that kids need to journey out of system involvement and thrive.
Why Our Work Matters
Too many of our youth become ensnared in the criminal legal system and struggle to find their way out. Most of these youth are marginalized and at-risk. Once they land in the juvenile justice system, too many youth fall prey to a vicious cycle of recidivism. Many youth are released into their community after detention, only to return within months, sometimes weeks. Although every story is different, the need for emotional support and continued connection after release was the common thread. Next Steps provides the support and connection that kids need to succeed.
“The Liaison Project connects court-involved youth to their internal power and external resources, creating a bridge to opportunities, and providing support to take the “Next Steps.”
— Laura McDonnell, Founder and Executive Director
Learn more about our program in this short video:
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